ai paraphrasing tools

Use of AI Paraphrasing Tools To Enhance Your Digital Content

As a digital marketer, you must be aware of the importance of quality content in marketing.

But how do we write good-quality content?

AI paraphrase tools have made writing quality content easier than ever. But are these online paraphrasing tools really helpful?

If so, how do these tools help digital marketers enhance their content?

Before we jump to the question at hand, we need to understand what AI paraphrase tools are, and how they work.

What is an AI Paraphrase Tool?

An AI paraphrasing tool is an online tool that uses artificial intelligence to rewrite a piece of text without distorting its original meaning.

AI paraphrasing tools are being used by small and large businesses to paraphrase textual documents and pieces of content at large scales.

How does it work?

AI paraphrasing tools utilize something called natural language processing (NLP) — which is a blend of computational linguistics and machine learning that enables computers to process, understand and generate human-like language — to rewrite a piece of text that you input to the tool.

On a more simple note, AI models like generative tools or online paraphrase tools use machine learning to recognize and use human language. They learn it from huge data repositories containing heaps of text written by human beings.

What it means for you is that AI tools can generate flawless human-like text within seconds to aid you in content creation.

Now that we’ve learned how AI works, let’s understand how it benefits us in content marketing.

How AI Paraphrasing Tools Benefit Digital Marketers?

Don’t get me wrong. There’s no “shortcut” to creating fantastic content that will rank number one on SERPs and win our audience in minutes.

At best, an AI paraphrasing tool can help us enhance the quality of content, but we still need to do our part and work to make the content as good quality as possible.

Let’s look at how paraphrasing tools help in enhancing our content:

Helps improve the quality of text

Often, written content needs multiple revisions and proofreadings to improve its quality before it can be put to use.

An online paraphrase tool on the other hand improves the quality of your text by eliminating poor sentences and improving the word choice quickly.

Removes redundancy

Redundancy is a common issue in writing. Often, especially when writing complex ideas or concepts, redundancy can make its way through the text as the writer tries to explain the matter.

Some AI paraphrasing tools are designed to keep the text concise and easy to understand by eliminating recurring sentences or ideas in it.

Removes errors

Online paraphrase tools do an excellent job of removing errors from your text, whether big or small.

If your text contains sneaky or visible mistakes, you don’t have to worry. An AI paraphrasing tool can make quick work of grammatical mistakes — such as spelling, sentence fragments, and incorrect use of confusing terms like affect vs effect — and make your text flawless.

Summarizes text

Another great aspect of paraphrasing tools is their summarizing capabilities.

Manually a piece of text requires you to read the whole text, pick up the main points, and write them concisely to write a summary of the topic.

On the other hand, some AI paraphrasing tools offer text summarizing modes that generate a brief summary of a text.

It is helpful if you want to conclude your articles or documents but don’t have the time to do so.

Makes content unique

One of the greatest challenges marketers face in content marketing is that their content needs to be unique and distinct from the rest.

However, creating unique content can be a long haul. In this case, AI paraphrase tools can come in handy.

Some paraphrasing tools give you the option to increase or decrease the creativity of text, allowing you to tweak sentences to different degrees to make the text unique and engaging. Other AI tools simply give you a creative “mode” to make the input text unique.

Enhances readability

Poor readability in text can limit its engagement and make it difficult to comprehend for an average user.

Online paraphrasing tools excel at enhancing the readability of text by seamlessly transitioning between ideas and keeping the text simple yet comprehensive.

You can check the readability of your text by using MS Word and various other tools and software available online.

Removes plagiarism

Plagiarism is another challenge faced by writers when publishing content.

Naturally or unnaturally, some level of plagiarism in content is possible. Plagiarised content means compromising your business’ reputation and rankings on SERP.

In this scenario, AI paraphrase tools can assist you by detecting plagiarism from your content and removing it. Many paraphrasers offer plagiarism detection modes to help you detect and remove plagiarism. Some tools also offer plagiarism removers that automatically paraphrase your text and make it unique. You can also use a free AI rewriter to avoid detection.

Defines the voice

Online paraphrase tools can define the voice and tone of your content.

Content with an undefined voice is unsuitable for branding; A defined voice is required to leave an impression on the audience via marketing because brand voice is a big part of the influence a brand has on its audience.

Many AI paraphrasers offer you different paraphrasing modes with different voices — such as formal, informal, and academic — to tailor the feel of your content to your brand’s style and make it memorable for the audience.

Optimize for SEO

Search Engine Optimization extends beyond inserting keywords. In digital marketing services, SEO plays a key role in content writing, planning and optimization.

While inserting relevant keywords in your content is necessary, a far more crucial and important ranking factor in SEO is the quality and uniqueness of content.

If your content is low-quality and has no uniqueness, trying to rank it first on a search engine like Google will always be a losing battle. Countless websites have tried to fool Google by publishing low-quality content but failed sooner or later.

So, when SEO is in question, online paraphrase tools can be your go-to assistant in making your content unique and top-notch quality.

Of course, technical aspects of SEO in writing will need your human attention and care.

Can help explore new grammar

Learning never stops.

As a human being, you can always learn from others, even from AI tools, because reading can improve your English. As you utilize an AI paraphrase tool to rewrite your texts, you can learn new grammar by keeping an eye on how the tool:

  • rewrites the sentences
  • uses synonyms
  • transitions between the ideas
  • punctuates the text

Learning new grammar will help you become good at writing, so you don’t always have to rely on tools when creating content for marketing.


Advanced AI paraphrase tools can benefit digital marketers by enhancing the quality of their content to maximize their marketing efforts. Online paraphrasing tools can enhance your text by improving its readability, quality, and grammar, removing redundancy from it, enhancing its voice and tone, helping make it unique, eliminating plagiarism, and helping optimize it for SEO. What’s more? You can learn new grammar from AI tools to strengthen your writing and write better in future without robotic assistance.