how to become a devops engineer?

How to become a DevOps Engineer? 8 Crucial Points to know

In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, the role of DevOps engineers is becoming increasingly crucial. These professionals bridge the gap between development and operations, ensuring seamless collaboration and efficient workflows. The demand for skilled DevOps engineers is proliferating, offering exciting opportunities for those interested in this field. But what exactly does a DevOps engineer do, and why are they valuable to organizations?

In this article on how to Become a DevOps engineer, we’ve unpacked the exciting world of DevOps engineering and charted a roadmap to help you become one. We explored the essential skills, from technical knowledge to soft skills, and various learning paths you can take, including formal education, online courses, and even self-directed learning.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a modern approach to software development that bridges the gap between developers and IT teams. It allows organizations to release small features quickly and integrate feedback efficiently. Here are some key benefits:

  • Reduced software failures: Enhanced reliability and stability.
  • Faster issue resolution: Quicker identification and fixing of issues.

DevOps surpasses the constraints of the traditional waterfall model by incorporating various development, testing, and deployment technologies to create automated CI/CD pipelines. Some well-known DevOps tools include:

  • Git and GitHub: Tools for source code management and version control.
  • Jenkins: An automation server with plugins for building CI/CD pipelines.
  • Selenium: Used for automation testing.
  • Docker: A platform for software containerization.
  • Kubernetes: A tool for container orchestration.
  • Puppet: For configuration management and deployment.
  • Chef: Also used for configuration management and deployment.
  • Ansible: Another configuration management and deployment tool.
  • Nagios: Utilized for continuous monitoring.

By leveraging these tools and practices, DevOps fosters a collaborative and efficient environment for software development and IT operations.

DevOps engineers bridge the gap between development and operations. They ensure seamless collaboration and efficient workflows in the software development lifecycle.

Who is a DevOps Engineer?

A DevOps Engineer is a specialist focused on the principles of DevOps, which aim to merge development and operations tasks to improve the software development process without sacrificing quality.

DevOps Engineers typically have a deep understanding of both development and operations processes, allowing them to work effectively in both areas. Additionally, they are often skilled in automation tools and methodologies, which help speed up the software development workflow.

What Does a DevOps Engineer Do?

A DevOps Engineer simplifies the complex interaction between the need to quickly update applications and the necessity to maintain their stability. Development and IT operations teams often have distinct skills and objectives: developers focus on adding new features, while operations teams prioritize maintaining reliability after release.

DevOps Engineers bridge this gap by streamlining and automating processes. They play a crucial role in integrating code, maintaining applications, and managing deployments. These responsibilities require a thorough understanding of development life cycles and the DevOps culture, including its philosophy, methodologies, and tools.

In an agile environment, developers, system administrators, and programmers often work in silos. Each contributes to the same product, but the lack of shared information can hinder delivering maximum value to users.

Some organizations may hire professionals specifically to “do DevOps” within their workflows. However, successful DevOps adoption depends on cultural and procedural changes, and this approach can sometimes worsen the disconnect between development and operational teams.

By fostering collaboration and leveraging automation, DevOps Engineers help ensure that development and operations work together smoothly to deliver high-quality software efficiently.

Essential technical skills for DevOps engineers include

DevOps engineers bridge the gap between development and operations teams, so their skills reflect that. Here’s a breakdown of the key areas to focus on:

Technical Skills

Soft skills are equally important for DevOps engineers:

  • Communication: Effectively bridging the gap between development and operations requires clear communication.
  • Collaboration: DevOps is all about teamwork, so being able to collaborate effectively is essential.
  • Problem-solving: You’ll encounter issues, so strong problem-solving skills are a must.
  • Adaptability: The tech landscape is ever-changing, so a willingness to learn and adapt is key.

How to Become a DevOps Engineer? Learning Paths

There are several paths you can take to learn DevOps, depending on your learning style, budget, and existing skill set. Here are a few options:

Free Online Resources:

  • MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer free DevOps courses and specializations. These can be a great starting point to get a broad understanding of the concepts.
  • YouTube Channels: Many channels offer DevOps tutorials and roadmaps. Some popular ones include “The DevOps Journey” and “Linux Academy.”
  • Blogs and Articles: Websites like and IT publications frequently publish articles on various DevOps topics.

Structured Learning:

  • Online Bootcamps: These intensive programs provide a comprehensive curriculum and can get you job-ready within a few months. However, they can be expensive.
  • Certification Courses: Earning certifications like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer or Certified Kubernetes Administrator validates your skills and can be attractive to employers.

Hands-on Learning:

  • Personal Projects: Set up a home lab and experiment with DevOps tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and Git. This is a fantastic way to solidify your understanding through practical application.
  • Contribute to Open Source Projects: This allows you to gain experience working on real-world projects while collaborating with other developers.

Building Your DevOps Skillset

Learning is just the first step. To truly solidify your DevOps skillset, you need hands-on experience:

  • Home Lab Hero: Turn your home computer into a DevOps playground! Set up a home lab environment to experiment with tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud platforms. This allows you to test configurations, troubleshoot issues, and gain practical confidence.
  • Open-Source Odyssey: The open-source community thrives on collaboration. Contributing to open-source projects related to DevOps is a fantastic way to gain real-world experience, learn from experienced developers, and showcase your skills.
  • Project Runway (DevOps Edition): Don’t underestimate the power of personal projects! Building your own DevOps-focused projects allows you to experiment, apply your knowledge, and showcase your creativity. This could be anything from automating a personal task to building a deployment pipeline for a web application.

While honing your skills is crucial, don’t forget to document your journey!

  • Portfolio Powerhouse: Build a portfolio that showcases your projects, learning experiences, and problem-solving abilities. This could be a website, a collection of code samples on GitHub, or a combination of both. Highlight your DevOps skills, the tools you used, and the challenges you overcame.

Landing Your First DevOps Job

So you’ve honed your technical skills, sharpened your soft skills, and built an impressive portfolio. Now it’s time to translate all that hard work into your dream DevOps job! Here’s how to navigate the job search and land that first position:

  • Crafting a Stellar Resume: Your resume is your first impression to potential employers. Tailor it for each DevOps role you apply for, highlighting the specific skills and experience mentioned in the job description. Showcase your projects prominently, using clear and concise language to demonstrate the value you bring to the table.
  • Interview Preparation Ace: DevOps interviews often involve a blend of technical and behavioural questions. Brush up on your technical concepts and common DevOps interview questions. Practice your communication and problem-solving skills through mock interviews or with peers. Anticipate questions about your experience with specific tools and technologies mentioned in the job description.
  • Networking Ninja: The power of professional connections can’t be underestimated. Attend industry events, webinars, and online communities like meetups specifically focused on DevOps. Connect with other DevOps professionals, network, and learn from their experiences. You never know who might have valuable insights or job leads.
  • Job Search Strategies: Utilize a multi-pronged approach to your job search. Leverage online job boards like Indeed and Glassdoor to find DevOps openings. Don’t forget the power of professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. Update your profile with relevant keywords and actively search for DevOps jobs and companies you’re interested in. Reach out to recruiters and hiring managers directly to showcase your enthusiasm and initiative.

DevOps Engineer Salary [June 2024]

Data suggests that DevOps engineers in India can expect to earn anywhere between ₹7.5 lakh and ₹12.5 lakh per annum in June 2024. It’s important to remember that this is a ballpark figure, and your actual salary can vary depending on several factors such as:

  • Experience: Salaries tend to increase with experience. Entry-level roles might start around ₹4 lakh, while senior engineers can command significantly more.
  • Location: Tier 1 cities like Bangalore and Mumbai typically offer higher salaries compared to smaller towns.
  • Skillset: In-demand skills and certifications can boost your earning potential.
  • Company: Larger companies and MNCs generally pay more than startups.

As per Glassdoor, the total annual compensation for a DevOps engineer is estimated to be ₹8,48,625, with an average base salary of ₹7,50,000 per year. This figure incorporates an additional estimated pay of ₹98,625 annually, which may include bonuses, commissions, tips, or profit sharing.


The world of DevOps engineering awaits! This roadmap equips you with the essential technical skills (programming, scripting, cloud platforms) and soft skills (communication, problem-solving) to thrive. Explore various learning paths – formal education, online courses, or self-directed learning with open-source projects. 

Solidify your skills through hands-on practice in a home lab and build a portfolio showcasing your projects and problem-solving abilities. Craft a stellar resume, prepare for interviews, and leverage professional networks to land your first DevOps job. The journey is full of continuous learning and growth, but with dedication and these steps, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful DevOps engineer.