WordPress developer interview questions

50 WordPress Developer Interview Questions | Latest Guide

Are you preparing for a WordPress developer position or looking to hire one for your team? Whether you’re on either side of the interview table, understanding the right WordPress Developer interview questions is crucial in today’s dynamic web development landscape.

WordPress powers over 43% of all websites on the internet, making it the most popular content management system worldwide. As businesses continue to rely heavily on WordPress for their digital presence, the demand for skilled WordPress developers remains consistently high. However, identifying the right talent requires a thorough understanding of both technical expertise and problem-solving abilities.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 50 essential WordPress developer interview questions that cover everything from basic concepts to advanced development techniques. We’ll delve into themes, plugins, hooks, security best practices, and the latest features introduced in recent WordPress versions. Whether you’re a hiring manager looking to build your dream team or a developer preparing for your next career move, this guide will serve as your ultimate resource.

Let’s dive into the questions that will help you identify or become a WordPress development expert in 2024.

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WordPress Developer Interview Questions & Answers

Basic WordPress Questions

  1. What is WordPress?
    • Answer: WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) used to create websites and blogs. It is built on PHP and MySQL and is one of the most popular platforms due to its flexibility, ease of use, and a large ecosystem of themes and plugins.
  2. What are the main differences between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?
    • Answer: WordPress.org is a self-hosted platform where users have full control over their site and can install custom themes, and plugins, and modify core files. WordPress.com is a hosted service with limited control, where users have fewer customisation options but don’t have to worry about hosting or maintenance.
  3. What are WordPress themes?
    • Answer: WordPress themes are collections of files that define the visual appearance and layout of a WordPress website. They control the design aspects, including typography, colour schemes, and page layouts, without altering the core functionality of the website.
  4. What are WordPress plugins?
    • Answer: Plugins are tools that help in extending the functionality of WordPress. They allow you to add features like contact forms, SEO optimisation, e-commerce functionality, and more without needing to modify the core code of WordPress.
  5. What is a child theme in WordPress?
    • Answer: A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality, features, and style of another theme, called the parent theme. Using a child theme allows developers to modify a theme without altering the parent theme, ensuring that updates to the parent theme do not overwrite custom changes.

WordPress Development and Customisation

  1. What are custom post types in WordPress?
    • Answer: Custom post types allow you to create different types of content beyond the default posts and pages. Examples include portfolios, testimonials, or products. Custom post types can be registered using the register_post_type() function.
  2. How do you create a custom plugin in WordPress?
    • Answer: To create a custom plugin, you start by creating a new directory in the wp-content/plugins/ folder. Inside this directory, create a PHP file with a comment block that includes the plugin name, author, version, and description. You can then add your custom code to extend WordPress functionality.
  3. What is the functions.php file in WordPress?
    • Answer: The functions.php file is a theme file where custom PHP code can be added to extend the functionality of a WordPress site. This file can be used to add custom post types, widgets, and theme support features, and can even enqueue scripts and styles.
  4. How do you enqueue styles and scripts in WordPress?
    • Answer: WordPress provides the wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style() functions to load JavaScript and CSS files into the theme or plugin properly. These functions should be hooked into WordPress actions like wp_enqueue_scripts to ensure scripts and styles are loaded correctly and not duplicated.
  5. What is the WordPress loop?
    • Answer: The WordPress loop is the PHP code used to display posts. It cycles through posts and outputs them according to the specified format, such as displaying post titles, content, and meta information. The loop uses functions like have_posts() and the_post() to iterate over the posts.

Database and Performance

  1. Which database does WordPress use?
    • Answer: WordPress uses MySQL as its database management system. It stores all the data, including posts, pages, users, settings, and plugin data in the database.
  2. How are WordPress database tables structured?
    • Answer: WordPress has 12 default database tables, such as wp_posts, wp_users, wp_comments, and wp_options. Each table stores different data related to the website, like posts, users, comments, metadata, and settings.
  3. What is a WordPress transient?
    • Answer: Transients are a way to store cached data in the database temporarily. They have an expiration time and are used to improve performance by reducing the need to fetch the same data repeatedly.
  4. How can you optimise a WordPress site’s performance?
    • Answer: To optimise a WordPress site, you can:
      • Use caching plugins (e.g., W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache)
      • Optimise images (using plugins like Smush or ShortPixel)
      • Use a content delivery network (CDN) like Cloudflare
      • Minify CSS and JavaScript files
      • Choose a lightweight theme and remove unused plugins.
  5. What is WP-CLI?
    • Answer: WP-CLI is a command-line interface for WordPress that allows you to manage your WordPress installation via terminal commands. You can perform tasks like updating plugins, themes, and WordPress itself, managing posts, importing/exporting data, and more.

WordPress Security

  1. How can you improve WordPress security?
    • Answer: To improve WordPress security, you can:
      • Use strong passwords and enforce two-factor authentication
      • Keep WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated
      • Install security plugins like Wordfence or Sucuri
      • Limit login attempts and change the default login URL
      • Use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates for HTTPS.
  2. What are nonces in WordPress?
    • Answer: Nonces (Number used once) are security tokens used in WordPress to protect URLs and forms from malicious actions like Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). They ensure that actions are performed intentionally by the user and not by a third party.
  3. What are some common vulnerabilities in WordPress?
    • Answer: Common WordPress vulnerabilities include:
      • SQL Injection: Exploiting database queries.
      • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Injecting malicious scripts into pages.
      • File Inclusion Exploits: Including files with malicious code.
      • Brute Force Attacks: Attempting to crack passwords by trying many combinations.
  4. How can you secure the wp-config.php file?
    • Answer: You can secure the wp-config.php file by:
      • Moving it to a higher directory (one level above the root WordPress directory)
      • Setting the correct file permissions (600 or 640)
      • Restricting access to it via .htaccess rules.
  5. What is a WordPress Salt key?
    • Answer: Salt keys are random variables that improve the encryption of data stored in user cookies. They add an extra layer of security to the login authentication system by making the stored session data harder to crack.

Advanced WordPress Development

  1. What is the REST API in WordPress?
    • Answer: The WordPress REST API allows developers to interact with the website remotely by sending HTTP requests. It provides endpoints to retrieve, create, update, and delete data in a WordPress site, making it possible to integrate with external applications and services.
  2. How do you create a custom widget in WordPress?
    • Answer: To create a custom widget, you need to extend the WP_Widget class and define its methods like __construct(), widget(), form(), and update(). Once defined, the widget can be registered using the widgets_init action hook.
  3. What are hooks in WordPress?
    • Answer: Hooks are functions that allow developers to modify or add functionality to WordPress without changing core files. There are two types of hooks:
      • Action Hooks: This allows you to add custom code at specific points during the execution of a particular code.
      • Filter Hooks: This allows you to modify data before it is displayed or processed.
  4. How do you create a shortcode in WordPress?
    • Answer: A shortcode is created using the add_shortcode() function. You define a callback function that specifies the output for the shortcode. Shortcodes allow you to insert custom content or functionality within posts, pages, or widgets by using a simple tag like [my_shortcode].
  5. What is WP Cron and how does it work?
    • Answer: WP Cron is a scheduling system built into WordPress. It allows you to schedule tasks like publishing posts, sending emails, or performing maintenance tasks. Unlike traditional cron jobs, WP Cron is triggered when a visitor loads a page, making it less precise but more accessible on shared hosting.

WordPress Themes and Template Hierarchy

  1. Explain the WordPress template hierarchy.
    • Answer: The WordPress template hierarchy determines which template files are used to display different types of pages. For example, WordPress will look for a specific template in the following order for a single post:
      • single-{post_type}.php
      • single.php
      • index.php
  2. What is the difference between get_template_part() and include() in WordPress?
    • Answer: get_template_part() is a WordPress function used to include template files, allowing for more modular theme development. It follows WordPress standards and ensures the proper loading of templates. include() is a PHP function that simply inserts another file’s content but lacks the flexibility and safety of WordPress-specific functions.
  3. What is the purpose of the the_content() function in WordPress?
    • Answer: The the_content() function is used within the loop to display the full content of a post or page. It also processes shortcodes, embeds, and applies filters like content formatting.
  4. How do you add theme support for features like post thumbnails?
    • Answer: You can add theme support for specific features using the add_theme_support() function in the functions.php file. For example, to add support for post thumbnails (featured images), you would use add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );.
  5. What is a custom taxonomy in WordPress?
    • Answer: A custom taxonomy is a way to group custom post types in a meaningful way. You can register a custom taxonomy using the register_taxonomy() function. Examples include product categories or movie genres, allowing for better organisation and filtering of content.

WordPress Query and Pagination

  1. What is WP_Query?
    • Answer: WP_Query is a powerful class in WordPress used to create custom queries for posts. It allows developers to retrieve specific posts or content from the database based on various parameters, such as post type, category, tag, date, and more.
  2. How do you implement pagination in WordPress?
    • Answer: Pagination in WordPress can be implemented using functions like paginate_links() or the_posts_pagination() to display pagination links. These functions generate paginated links for archives or custom queries, enabling users to navigate between different pages of posts.
  3. What is the difference between get_posts() and WP_Query?
    • Answer: Both get_posts() and WP_Query are used to retrieve posts, but:
      • get_posts() is a simpler function for retrieving a limited number of posts and returns an array.
      • WP_Query is more flexible and powerful, allowing for complex queries and providing more control over the output and query parameters.
  4. How do you exclude specific categories or posts from a query?
    • Answer: You can exclude categories or posts in WP_Query by using the category__not_in or post__not_in parameters. For example:phpCopy code$query = new WP_Query( array( 'category__not_in' => array( 10, 20 ) ) );
  5. What is a WP_Term_Query?
    • Answer: WP_Term_Query is a class in WordPress used to retrieve terms from the database. It allows you to query for terms (categories, tags, custom taxonomies) based on parameters like taxonomy type, name, slug, and more.

WooCommerce Integration

  1. What is WooCommerce?
    • Answer: WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress that enables users to create online stores. It provides features like product listings, shopping carts, checkout processes, and payment gateways, making it a full-fledged solution for eCommerce sites.
  2. How do you create a custom WooCommerce template?
    • Answer: Custom WooCommerce templates can be created by overriding WooCommerce’s default template files. You do this by copying the template file from the woocommerce/templates/ directory into your theme’s woocommerce/ folder and modifying it according to your needs.
  3. How do you add custom fields to a WooCommerce product?
    • Answer: You can add custom fields to WooCommerce products using the add_meta_boxes hook to display additional fields in the product editor. You can save these fields using the save_post hook and display them on the front end by modifying the product template or using a shortcode.
  4. What is the difference between WooCommerce hooks woocommerce_before_main_content and woocommerce_after_main_content?
    • Answer: These are action hooks that define where custom content can be inserted:
      • woocommerce_before_main_content runs before the main WooCommerce content (e.g., before product listings).
      • woocommerce_after_main_content runs after the main WooCommerce content (e.g., after product listings).
  5. How can you optimise a WooCommerce site’s performance?
    • Answer: WooCommerce performance can be optimised by:
      • Using caching plugins like W3 Total Cache
      • Optimising images and database queries
      • Implementing a CDN
      • Disabling unnecessary WooCommerce features or plugins that slow down the site
      • Using a WooCommerce-specific hosting provider.

WordPress Multisite

  1. What is WordPress Multisite?
    • Answer: WordPress Multisite is a feature that allows you to run multiple WordPress websites from a single installation. Each site in the network can have its own unique settings, themes, and plugins, but all are managed under one WordPress dashboard.
  2. How do you enable Multisite in WordPress?
    • Answer: To enable Multisite, you need to modify the wp-config.php file by adding the line define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );. After that, WordPress will guide you through the setup process, where you can choose between subdomains or subdirectories for the additional sites.
  3. What are the pros and cons of using WordPress Multisite?
    • Answer:
      • Pros: Centralised management, shared themes and plugins, efficient use of resources.
      • Cons: Limited plugin/theme compatibility, harder to manage if one site needs individualised functionality, server performance can be affected if one site has high traffic.
  4. How do you manage plugins in a Multisite network?
    • Answer: In Multisite, plugins can be activated network-wide or for individual sites. As a network administrator, you control which plugins are available to sub-sites. Network-activated plugins are automatically applied to all sites, while site-specific plugins are only activated for the chosen site.
  5. Can you have different themes for different sites in a Multisite network?
    • Answer: Yes, in a Multisite network, each site can have its own theme. Themes can be enabled for individual sites or across the entire network, giving each site a unique design while still being part of the same installation.

WordPress Deployment and Migration

  1. How do you migrate a WordPress site to a new server?
    • Answer: To migrate a WordPress site, you need to:
      • Backup the database and files.
      • Upload the files to the new server.
      • Import the database.
      • Update the wp-config.php file with the new database credentials.
      • Update the site URLs in the database (using tools like Search and Replace or directly modifying the database).
  2. What is the best way to back up a WordPress site?
    • Answer: The best way to back up a WordPress site is to use a plugin like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy, which can automate regular backups. Alternatively, manual backups can be performed by exporting the database and copying the wp-content folder, which contains themes, plugins, and media.
  3. How do you set up a staging environment for WordPress?
    • Answer: A staging environment is a clone of your live website used for testing. To set up a staging site, you can:
      • Use a hosting provider that offers built-in staging environments.
      • Manually create a subdomain or subdirectory, clone the WordPress files and database, and adjust the URLs in the wp-config.php file and database.
      • Use a plugin like WP Staging to automate the process.
  4. How do you deploy changes from a staging site to live?
    • Answer: To deploy changes from a staging site, you should:
      • Test thoroughly on staging first.
      • Export the updated database from staging and import it to the live site.
      • Push file changes from staging to live (via FTP or by using version control like Git).
      • Ensure the URLs and settings are updated to reflect the live site.
  5. How do you handle WordPress version control?
    • Answer: WordPress version control can be handled using Git for tracking changes to theme and plugin files. You should exclude certain directories like wp-content/uploads, wp-config.php, and other dynamically generated files. Using version control ensures that changes can be tracked, reverted, and deployed systematically.


Mastering these 50 WordPress developer interview questions is just the beginning of your journey in WordPress development. Remember that while technical knowledge is crucial, successful WordPress developers also demonstrate problem-solving abilities, keep up with industry trends, and maintain a continuous learning mindset.

For candidates, use these questions as a starting point to identify areas where you might need to strengthen your expertise. Don’t just memorize the answers – understand the underlying concepts and be prepared to discuss real-world applications of your knowledge.

For hiring managers, these questions provide a solid framework for evaluating candidates, but remember to adapt them based on your specific project requirements and company needs. Consider the candidate’s thought process, problem-solving approach, and ability to communicate technical concepts clearly.

As WordPress continues to evolve with features like Full Site Editing and block themes, staying current with the latest developments is essential. The best WordPress developers are those who combine deep technical knowledge with adaptability and a passion for learning.

Whether you’re hiring or seeking a position, we hope this guide helps you navigate the WordPress development landscape more effectively. Good luck with your interviews!